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We wanted to get it right ……..

On Thursday 12 September in Leeds, we are holding the inaugural Yorkshire Business Fair at the Holiday Inn Conference Centre in Garforth Leeds. Working in the advertising, marketing, networking and business event arena for over 4 decades, if I have learned anything, it’s the value of facilitating the opportunity for people to communicate transparently together to develop trusting and long-lasting new business relationships.


As a proud member of The Yorkshire Society, and partly due to my own long-standing relationship with Philip Bell, CEO of The Yorkshire Society (we were at school together and former colleagues in a previous life!), I am delighted and excited to have been asked to manage this new event. Philip and I have a wealth of experience and our sole purpose of working together is to create a truly phenomenal opportunity for business owners across the region to come together to cost effectively generate new relationships with a brand-new audience so they can grow their business.


Back to the event, the Yorkshire Business Fair!

This has been on our agenda and under discussion for some time, but we wanted to get it right.


Creating and managing a successful business expo and networking event takes a lot planning, strategic marketing and of course effective execution. But above all it needs to be right for the exhibitors and attendees. The venue needs to be in an accessible location that can accommodate the expected number of exhibitors and attendees and the layout should facilitate easy navigation and interaction, enhancing the overall experience. We think we’ve got it just right!



The search for the ideal venue began earlier this year and not only did we need the perfect location, but the facilities had to match our own detailed criteria ensuring we could provide an affordable space for our exhibitors. The attendees are also a huge consideration meaning our venue had to have FREE parking for them too!


We also wanted to have the space for some break out rooms and areas for other activities on the day so in choosing the Holiday Inn Conference Centre and Hotel in Leeds we believe we have found the perfect venue for the Yorkshire Business Fair.



We want every exhibitor to have a productive and meaningful day so from the outset we wanted our event to be a genuine, cost-effective opportunity for business owners to showcase their products and services. So, the format of the Yorkshire Business Fair is all about the networking and creating new business opportunities!


We also wanted to help induce as much engagement as possible within the event so we will be filming on the day and everyone will have the chance to get involved in our live podcasts! Everything we are doing is to help people communicate with new people.



Whether you are a seasoned networker or not you CANNOT miss this event! With over 50 exhibitors and an anticipated 450+ booked attendees the Yorkshire Business Fair is the place to be on Thursday 12 September.


Anyone can attend for free where you can speak to exhibitors representing every business sector you can imagine and generally network your socks off! Food and drinks will be available throughout the day and the event deliberately runs for 10am until 3pm to provide a concentrated level of activity for everyone in the room. So, there’s no resting place and with the free parking you can visit for as long as you want.



Importantly, after this inaugural event, we will be taking your comments and feedback before announcing the next event dates. We will be repeating this event in Leeds plus announcing other Yorkshire Business Fairs that will take place in North, South and East Yorkshire. We will also be looking for specific feedback re the first event in Leeds and whether you want it to remain annual in September or become bi-annual in March and September.


Relationships are crucial to the success of your business and this ethos will be firmly at the core of the all the Yorkshire Business Fair events that will become the most important dates in the Yorkshire business calendar.


To register to attend for free or see the event details just click this Eventbrite link:


We both look forward to seeing you on Thursday 12 September 2024 at the Holiday Inn Conference Centre & Hotel, Wakefield Road, Garforth, Leeds LS25 1LH.


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